Thursday, December 2, 2010

Allerta has announced a side gadget for the BlackbBerry users which would certainly make their life easy. The inPulse smartwatch enables you to see your BlackBerry alerts right on your wrist. Its real handy when you are away from your mobile or if its in your pocket.                                                This gadget would definitely get a good response from the consumer market, as it has a pretty simple display and has nothing technical.
  • 1.3-inch full color OLED display.
  • Bluetooth 2.0
  • 150 mAh lithium-ion polymer battery.
  • Glass lens.
  • Vibrating motor for alerts.
  • Micro-USB port to charge the thing & the ability to install firmware updates.

The inPulse also requires an app installation on the main BlackBerry, which needs to run BlackBerry OS 4.3 or up.

Allerta is taking pre-orders for the inPulse smartwatch at $149, with deliveries scheduled for February 2010.

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