Friday, December 3, 2010

Cheap USB Flash Drives | USB Flash Drives in Jewelry Necklaces

USB Bug Jewelry Flash Drive
it’s yet another storage device that has been designed so that you can wear it like a piece of jewelry. This time it come in the shape of a bug with an 8GB storage capacity.

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  • USB 2.0
  • Portable and easy operation
  • Stylish and useful
  • Plug and play
  • Support Windows XP/Vista, Linux 2.4, MAC OSX or lastest version
  • Dimension: 53 x 28 x 18mm (approx.)
  • Weight: 27g

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The USB Jewel Bug Necklace Flash Drive is yours for $33 from the USB Brando website.

Bee USB Flash Drive Necklace

it’s another one of those USB drives that allows you to carry your most important files like a piece of jewelry around your neck. This latest model is designed like a bee.

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Product Specifications:

  • Jewel bee design
  • Capacity: 4GB
  • Fashionable and elegant
  • Size: 36*53*15mm
  • Weight: 40g

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