Friday, December 17, 2010

LG secret codes

qualified for the mobile phone, secret code is required in the know, and I believe that engineers are mobile secret code, but not necessarily for the user know that the mobile phone that has a secret code, below is a secret code LG mobile phone

2945#*# - service menu (code reset)(W3000 G5300 C1200 G7100...)
2945#(*)- hold (LG 500,600)
B1200 *+pwr, 6,6,8 Service Menu
B1300 *+pwr, 1,5,9 Service Menu

Security Removing Code For Lg 8110,8120.
2945#*# - service menu (code reset)(W3000 G5300 C1200 G7100...)
2945#(*)- hold (LG 500,600)
B1200 *+pwr, 6,6,8 Service Menu
B1300 *+pwr, 1,5,9 Service Menu

Security Removing Code For Lg 8110,8120.

U8180 old ...............49857465454#
U8180 new .............492662464663#
U8330 ...................637664#*#
U8360 ...................*6*41*12##
U8380 ...................525252#*#

ALL LG 2G : 2945#*#
8110 & 8120 : 277634#*#
U8130 & U8138 : 47328545454#
8180 old sw : 49857465454#
8180 new sw : 492662464663#
8330 : 637664#*#
8360 : *6*41*12##
8380 : 525252#*#

LG 8550 885508428679#*#
Service Menu Code

8110 277634#*#

8120 277634#*#

8130 47328545454#

8138 47328545454#

8180 v10A 49857465454#

8180 v11A 492662464663#

8330 637664#*#

8360 *6*41*12##

8380 525252#*#

8550 885508428679#*#

Unlock Menu Code

Older phones 2945#*88110#

was told that unlocking code for the phone is "0794070061"
and method is to enter 142358#*#
but when i enter above code instead of asking for nck code it restarts(phone is temporary unlocked with sim inside).
Plz help how to unlock it permanently

After complete Flashing just Enter 142358#*#

hopefully useful to you, although still short of many but I will try to provide the best for you

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