Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Motorola DROID X SE Hard Reset Instructions

Here's a step by step instructions on how to factory reset or hard reset the Motorola DROID X SE to clear all data and restore it back to original settings.
 how to format motorola droid X
Note this procedure will delete all data installed or stored on Motorola DROID X SE. However, this process may or may not delete data stored on the microSD memory card. Please do have a back up copy of all the personal data stored on the device.

Procedure on how to hard reset the Motorola DROID X SE.

Shut down the DROID X SE by holding the power button and then selecting the Power Off
Hold the X key on the keyboard and turn the power back on, keep holding down the X key until a yellow triangle icon will appear.
Once the icon showed, close the slider and simultaneously press the Volume Up and Camera buttons   (you may need to do this several  times)
Then a menu of choices will appear, just select  "wipe data/factory reset". You can select this option using the direction pad on the keyboard.
Using the direction pad Scroll down  to the "yes" option and select it with the d-pad select key

Once the wipe is complete, the device will then reboot to its factory default state settings. All the data including third-party applications installed will be deleted from the Motorola DROID X SE.

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