Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Verizon LG Ally VS740 hard reset to factory settings procedures

Heres, a simple procedure on  how to hard reset the LG Ally VS740 from Verizon Wireless and  restore it  back to factory default state settings.
Please note that all data will be deleted from the LG Ally VS740 as a result of this procedure. However, this process does not delete the data stored on the microSD memory card. Just back up it first before you proceed.

Resetting through Menu Settings

   1. On the main home screen, select menu
   2. Select
Settings, then Privacy
   3. Select
Factory data reset
   4. Select
Reset phone
   5. Enter your
password if you activated it, then select Erase everything upon confirmation

If the  device is frozen, and you can't access the menu settings, do hard reset it through button combinations

1. Turn the
power of. pull the battery out and reinsert it back again
2. Press and hold:
Home Key + Power Key + Up or Down Volume Key.
3. Turn the
power on, while keeping the three keys pressed.
4. When the LG logo is shown on a display , release the keys.
    Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your device
 Once the wipe is complete, All data including third-party applications already deleted. The LG Ally VS740  will reboot to its factory default state settings.

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