Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia 6124c Bluetooth Failure Problem Solution

Here's the solution for Nokia 6124 classic Bluetooth Failure problems. If the device unable to turn the bluetooth ON and shows errors like "bluetooth operation failed",. this solution  may fix the phone if the flashing and restoring the flash firmware or software calibration doesn't solved the problem.

You may refer to this solution below, just locate the highlighted components on the PCB board.

Nokia 6124c Bluetooth Repair Solution

nokia 6124 bluetooth repair guide  picture

To fix the problem, you may first, check the bluetooth antenna, then check the supply voltages of the bluetooth module chip. If  the supply voltages were both okay, you may then try to re-heat, re-work the bluetooth IC and then replace if necessary. You may also try to replace BT antenna saw filter.

Bluetooth UART signals is feed from the processor chip, there is a possibility that a bluetooth failure is also cause by a faulty CPU IC.

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