Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia 6124c Camera, Volume Up and Down Button Switch Jumper Solution

Here's the Nokia 6124c solution for damaged or not working camera, volume up and volume down button switch problem. This solution provides the connection line paths of the said button switches.

To fix this problem you may first visually check the button switch assembly for possible damaged. Just replace it, and carefully re-solder it without lifting the PCB board terminal solder pads.

If the said switches assembly seems okay but it still it does not respond or work. Refer to the solution below and locate the highlighted component on the PCB board.

Nokia 6124c Camera and Volume control button switch connection tracks

nokia 6124c camera volume switch jumper ways tracks
Locate one of the keypad filter IC, these also holds for the button switches filtering. And if damaged it also result to camera and volume switches malfunction. By replacing it will only definitely solved and fix the problem.
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