Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia 6124c Display Problem Repair Solution

Here's the solution for Nokia 6124 classic display problem such as: white screen, blue screen, blank or black empty screen, garbled or saturated screen displays.

To fix display problems of the phone, you may first try to flash, restore or update the device flash firmware, this may solved sometimes to the problems such white screen, blue screen and blank screen displays, unless the LCD module is not damaged or cracked. This process may easily help to determine and confirm where the problem lies, either on the firmware or on hardware failure.

After confirming that the firmware seems okay, you may then do a hardware repair procedures.

First try to replace the LCD screen module,. If the new LCD still shows the same problem, you may then refer to the solution below and do some test and check-up procedures.

Nokia 6124c Display Problem Hardware Repair Solution

nokia 6124c display Ic jumper ways tracks

You may first check the LCD supply voltages as rated on the solution above 1.8 volts and 2.8 volts. Check the corresponding components where it feeds from, if the voltage is missing.
Locate the display filter IC on the PCB board if the supply voltages were OK. There are two EMI-ESD filter chips mounted near the LCD pin connector. You may then try to replace both of the said chips alternately. There is a possibility that one of these chips caused the problem if the display data signal is being cut-off.

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