Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Phone Disk [iPhone Disk Mounter]

iPad, iTouch or iPhone Disk Mode is made easy with Phone Disk. Using your standard USB cable, this tiny program runs in the menu bar or system tray of your Mac or PC. When it finds an iPod Touch or iPhone it seamlessly mounts it to your file system so you can directly access its files using Windows Explorer, Finder and every other program. For a limited time Phone Disk is 100% Free!!

Until September December 1st 2010, we're giving away Phone Disk to everyone for free! If you unlock the software before that date, you get free upgrades and can enjoy the full version of the software on that computer with no expiration (just make sure you enter the code before December 1st)! Use the following registration code to unlock the full version Phone Disk:

Download for Windows
Download for Mac

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