Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia 1508 Power ON-OFF Key Jumper Ways

Here's the Nokia 1508 Solution for not working power ON-Off key. This solution may help if the device failed to turns ON while it shows charging indication on the display when the charger is plug-in.

To fix this problem, you may need to clean first the keypad membrane and the power key's contact pads for possible oxidation build up. If it seems cleaned but however still doesn't respond, refer  to this solution below for it shows the connection line paths of the power key, then do some test and tracing procedures.

Nokia 1508 Power ON-OFF Key connection  tracks

nokia 1508 No power repair Solution

You may first check the battery voltage (VBAT) on the inner core. If there is  a voltage reading on that point, it means that its line path is okay, if got zero readings, you may then trace it connection down to the VBAT line, and manage to reconnect it. The outer core is were the power ON main line path and its connected directly to the chip, but you can still trace its line paths and reconnect it.. if the line is cut-off, according to the given solution above. There is also a possibility that the problem may lies on power and charging controller IC, you may need to rework or replace it if the device still unable to turn on and the above solution does not solved the problem.

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