Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia 1508 Earpiece Speaker Solution

Here's the Nokia 1508 Solution for Earpiece not working problem or  have an audio signal output over the receiver speaker. This solution shows the connection line paths of the earpiece speaker of the phone.

If the earpiece speaker failed, you may first check the speaker using the multimeter and set it to X1, you can hear a crackling sound on it and the multimeter pointer is moving. If does not respond or any sign of indication it means the speaker is bad or already damaged. Replace it with a new one if already busted.

If the speaker seems working okay, try to clean the earpiece speaker terminal contact pads. Then check its connection line paths, refer to the solution below.

Nokia 1508 Earpiece Speaker Jumper Ways
nokia 1508 eapiece speaker repair picture
If the connection line paths is okay check the two filter coils, replace if found damaged. There are two ESD protection diode besides the terminal contact pads, you may also check and replace this components, removing it, also works.
In some cases like wet or water damaged, there is a possibility that the problem may lies on the AUDIO IC. Re-heating or reworking it, may also fix the problem and sometimes you may need to replace it, if severely damaged.

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