Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia 1508 Ringer, Buzzer IHF Speaker Solution

Here's the solution for Nokia 1508 with a not working ringer or IHF speaker problem. this simple solution may possibly help fix the phone if the ringer speaker failed or no alarm sound can be heard on it.

To repair this kind of problem, you may first check and replace the IHF( integrated hands free)  speaker for possible damaged. If the IHF speaker confirmed okay, you may refer to this solution below and do have a check and tracing up procedures on its connection line paths a connected components.

Nokia 1508 Ringer, IHF Speaker Jumper Ways
nokia 1508 ringer repair picture

First try to clean the speaker terminal contact pads,. if this won't solved, do trace each of the speaker terminal contact pads connection down to the filter coils. Check the filter coils as well, then apply a jumper wire on it if the line is cut-off or open circuit. Replace the filter coil if already damaged. There is an audio amplifier that being used to boost the audio signal. You may also need to check and replace this IC if the above procedure doesn't solved the problem.

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