Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia 1508,1508i Hardware Repair Solution for USB Not Charging Problem

Here's the Nokia 1508 and 1508i USB not charging problem solution., This shows some  hints on how to fix when the device is unable to charge up  when the charger is being plug-in.

If encountered this problem, you may first try to used any other working charger, and then clean the USB pin connector if still the device wont charge-up.

If seems the above basic procedures wont help, refer to the solution below and locate the highlighted components showed on the following solution below.

Nokia 1508 USB Charge Ways - Components and Connection Tracks

First try to check the fuse, filter coil and the diode (if mounted) for possible damaged. Replace it at once if found faulty. Check and trace also the power supply voltage line paths from the USB pin connector down to the fuse and the filter coil.
If seems all of the components and connection were both okay, you may then try to replace the USB VBUS controller IC. This chip holds and control the USB charging voltage before it feeds to the main charging control chip which is the Power IC.

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