Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia X3-01 MIC Solution, Mouthpiece Microphone Problem

Here's the Nokia X3-01 Mic problem or Not working microphone solution. This solution shows some tips on how to fix the device if such problem occurred.

In fixing the microphone failure on the device , you may try to replace the microphone module first, to easily confirm or determine if the said components is still working or not. If the mouthpiece module seems still working or already tried replacing it but the problem still exists.;

You may hen refer to the solution below and locate the highlighted components, and do some test or check-up procedures.

Nokia X3-01 MIC, Mouthpiece Microphone Failure Solution

nokia x3-01 mic jumper solution tracks
The highlighted components were composed of resistors and capacitors, you may then try to check these components for possible damaged. The 1.4 volts is the circuit supply voltage to make it operational and tends the microphone to work properly.
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