Monday, January 17, 2011

Nokia 6124c Not Charging Problem Solution

Here's the Nokia 6124c solution for not charging problem such as charger no response and fake charging or shows charging indication but it won't stored on the phones battery.

This solution provides some hints on how to fix the phone if the said charging problem happens. refer to the solution below and start locate those highlighted components on the PCB board and do some tst and check-up procedures.

Nokia 6124c Charging Problem Repair Solution
nokia 6124 charge jumper ways tracks
To fix the device, you may start checking up the charging pin connector, make sure that its terminals are not bended or damaged. Clean it if necessary including the charging pin terminal contact pads on the PCB board.
If the above steps doesn't solved, check the FUSE, Coil, capacitor  and the Diode, then replace if found damaged. If all these components seems all working OK, the next option will be is: Try to reheat, rework the Betty IC, these IC holds as a charging controller circuit. You may then try to replace it, if after reheating or reworking it doesn't solved the problem.

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